

  • 四级必备词汇
  • 中学词汇
  • 六级必备词汇
  • unwilling[ˈʌnˈwɪlɪŋ]

    adj. 不愿意的

    You are plainly unwilling to co-operate.

  • man[mæn]

    n. 男人;人,人类

    The staff speak as one man on this issue.

  • accomplish[əˈkʌmplɪʃ]

    vt. 达成;完成

    It lies on us to accomplish the task.

  • estimate[ˈestɪmeɪt]

    vt. 估算;评价

    He is highly estimated among his colleagues.

  • transistor[trænˈzɪstə]

    n. 晶体管;晶体管收音机

    A transistor radio.

  • stack[stæk]

    vt. 堆积

    The floor was stacked up with books.

  • defend[dɪˈfend]

    vt. 保卫,防御;替…辩护

    He retained the best lawyer in the state to defend his case.

  • supermarket[ˈsu:pəmɑ:kɪt]

    n. 超级市场

    Another supermarket opened last week.

  • namely[ˈneɪmlɪ]

    adv. 即,也就是

    Only one person can do the job, namely you.

  • robe[rəʊb]

    n. 长袍,长衣,浴袍

    a lap robe.