


雷哥考研 >题库 > 2020年管理类联考英语二全真模拟试卷(五)

Write an essay based on the following chart. You should   (1) interpret the chart ; and   (2) give your comments.   You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points) ![](/uploads/question/201711/_55092.svg)


  • 雷哥网解析
  • 网友解析
What is shown in the par chart indicates which vehicle the citizens in Beijing usually take when they move around. According to the data given, It is of no difficulty to discover that 56% of the citizens go out by bus or subway, this kind of transportation means take the lead, followed by taxi and cars, bicycles, and walking, which took up 22%, 14%, and 8% respectively.   What might contribute to this trend? I would like to lay emphasis on the reasons as follows. First of all, it is hardly surprising that bus or subway make up a significant portion of people’s way to travel. Due to the large number of population in Beijing, citizens usually choose a more easy and comfortable way to work or study, so it is the first choose. Secondly, with the development of science and technology, Chinese economy have gained rapid growth. More and more families have the ability to afford one car as a result of the improvement of people’s living standard. What is more, recent months have seen a revival of the humble bike across China, an increasing number of people choosing cycling instead of driving to schools, to workplaces or to do sightseeing. Likewise, there are also a few people who choose walking.   Based on the data and discussion above, we can foresee that the tendency of sharing bicycles will continue in the years to come.

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