

  • 四级必备词汇
  • 中学词汇
  • 六级必备词汇
  • abundant[əˈbʌndənt]

    adj. 丰富的;大量的

    When the ship reached port, it bore abundant evidence of the severity of the storm.

  • tough[tʌf]

    adj. 坚韧的;健壮的

    We won the contract but only through a lot of tough negotiating.

  • aboard[əˈbɔ:d]

    adv. 在船(车)上;上船

    We travelled aboard the same flight.

  • mourn[mɔ:n]

    vt. 哀痛; 哀悼

    People wore crapes to mourn our leader.

  • money[ˈmʌnɪ]

    n. 金钱;货币;款项

    Time is money.

  • dive[daɪv]

    vi. 跳水;潜水;俯冲

    The market values are in a nose dive.

  • latter[ˈlætə]

    adj. (两者中)后者的;后一半的

    Many support the former alternative, but personally I favour the latter( one).

  • arm[ɑ:m]

    n. 手臂;衣袖;扶手

    He fled to Brazil trying to escape the long arm of the law.

  • electronics[ɪlekˈtrɒnɪks]

    n. 电子学;电子设备

    Large electronics companies developed television, but Baird pointed the way with his experiments.

  • custom[ˈkʌstəm]

    n. 风俗; 习俗; (个人的) 习惯,习性,惯常行为; (顾客对商店的) 惠顾,光顾; adj. 定做(制)的;

    Social customs vary greatly from country to country.