

  • 四级必备词汇
  • 中学词汇
  • 六级必备词汇
  • charity[ˈtʃærətɪ]

    n. 施舍;慈善事业

    They did so under the mask of charity.

  • atom[ˈætəm]

    n. 原子;微粒,微量

    Scientists have unlocked the secret of the atom.

  • seek[si:k]

    vt. 寻找,探索;谋求;请求

    Older people may seek their own friends rather than become too emotionally dependent on their children.

  • angry[ˈæŋɡrɪ]

    adj. 愤怒的,生气的;红肿的;狂风暴...

    His imperious look makes us angry.

  • pronoun[ˈprəʊnaʊn]

    n. 代名词

    Here you should use plural pronoun.

  • identify[aɪˈdentɪfaɪ]

    vt. 认出,识别,确定

    I found it hard to identify with any of the characters in the film.

  • coil[kɒɪl]

    n. 一卷;线圈 vt. 盘绕 ...

    The snake coiled itself around the tree.

  • surrender[səˈrendə]

    vi. 投降

    We would rather die than surrender.

  • wool[wul]

    n. 羊毛;毛线,绒线

    She passed me a skein of wool.

  • among[əˈmʌŋ]

    prep. 在…之中;与…在一起;…之一

    He lives in a house among the trees.